Saturday, October 5, 2013

Escalators, "7/11" Runs, and Daily Sushi Flyers

These three things are woven into my new life in St. Petersburg, Russia daily. They are apart of what makes this city so different from Moldova. Never once in Moldova did I have to ride a 3 minute long escalator up from the deep depths of the secret underground world metro station. Never in Moldova did I have to go to our little produce stores, which we call our 7/11s, to the point where I recognize the ladies working there. Never once in Moldova did the thought of eating sushi cross my mind. Now I get flyer for California rolls and avocado-crab rolls almost everyday. St. Petersburg is so incredibly different from Moldova, but I love it. 

I love living in the big city. I didn't think I would, but being a city girl isn't bad. 

I love all the beautiful architecture. The Hermitage, Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, St. Isaac's's amazing. 

I love my sister's and my journey to and from school each day: 5 minute walk, 20 metro adventure, 10 minute bus ride, and 2 minute walk. 

I love our apartment. It's so beautiful. 

I love my's two times bigger than any room I've ever had. And I feel like a princess in it--which is never a bad thing.

I love that my Russian is getting better. I now have random Russian words floating through my head: целеустремлённый, сомнение, властолюбивы, и подросток. 

I love my school--International Academy. 28 students in the high school, 115 students K through 12th. Small, but wonderful. 

I love all my new friends at school...too many to name, but they know who they are.  

I love adventures with my friends. From getting on the wrong tram and ending up in a shady part of town to playing cops and robbers outside.

I love all the laughter I've been filled with daily...all the funny things that happen at school, home, and with friends. 

I love having 3 senior girls to have fun with. We've laughed so much our abs hurt. We've sang Disney songs. We've talked about the future. We've bought fish. We've had multiple sleepovers. We've teased...a lot. 

I love walking everywhere. 

I love am learning to love how cold it's already gotten and will continue to get.

I love the opportunity I have to be in the school drama production. 

I love the being busy with things that I missed in Moldova. 

I love that there's no pig slaughterings across the fence anymore... :) 

I love Wednesday chapels at school. 

I love Senior girl and Ms. Breeden time on Wednesdays, learning about God's love and talking about life. 

I love how accepting everyone was at school. I feel like I've been here forever. 

I love getting out of the house every single day. 

I love all the beautiful places to visit. 

I love that I'll have an actual graduation come May--cap and gown and everything. 

I love taking the metro. Whatever some might think, it's not scary!!! 

I love God blessed me with time here...even if it's only a year. 

That's what I'm feeling--blessed beyond words. How would I have known that when my mom broke the news to my sisters and I that we were leaving Moldova and moving to Russia, that it would be a good thing. How would I have known that making the choice not to homeschool anymore would be amazing!! God blessed me. I don't even know how to describe how blessed I feel. Of course, I'm trying not to question why it only had to be a year. Of course I miss Moldova. I miss our house with the big backyard. But for now my 5th story apartment will have to suffice. I really miss Freedom Home--the girls and kids there. I think about them daily. But for now, my IA friends will have to suffice. Yesterday, I was craving Caruso's pizza and Moldovan fruit. But right now, sushi and теремок will have to suffice. 

I'm so joyful. I'm so thankful. I'm so blessed.